Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Distraction: Can You Pass Eighth Grade Math?

Well, the good news is that I can:

You Passed 8th Grade Math

Congratulations, you got 10/10 correct!

The question is, can you? Take the test and find out...

The test made me laugh a bit, because I realized how much of my job involves 8th grade math, and I work with multi-billion dollar budgets and a mind-boggling set of databases. I'm pretty sure I wasted hundreds of hours studying trigonometry, calculus, statistics and related courses, which I use maybe once a week.

If I had to do it over again, I would drop out in the ninth grade (public school was essentially state owned baby sitting), work full time at a good union trade job while going to community college at night, work my way up to one of the IV league schools (where I could network and make my resume look spiffier - I'm pretty sure the courses they teach there would be equally useless) and get involved in grass roots politics earlier. College was great, but 90% of what I've learned has been at done independently or at work. Sigh.

The only thing sadder is that I imagine many people at my job can't pass eighth grade math.

Hat tip to Rox for the link.


Monday, February 27, 2006

Article: Choosing to Be a Single Mom

As part of my ongoing quest to learn and index everything I can about relationships, family, and marriage, I found an interesting article on sperm donor mothers...

Single mom Leann Mischel wanted her son to have a sibling -- a full-blooded sibling. But it wasn't looking good. The boy's father was out of the picture, so to speak. In fact, Mischel was just one of many women waiting on him. The Pennsylvania college professor reluctantly settled for her second choice.

And then Carla Schouten from San Jose had the gift of a lifetime for Mischel, 41 -- an extra vial of the father's sperm chilling in her doctor's refrigerator. Schouten's son was fathered by the same donor. The two women met on the Internet and bonded.

Some women have their book clubs, and others belong to professional groups. Some connect in therapy and others through sororities. But here is a relatively new connection: a group of 11 sharp, educated and independent women brought together by one man's sperm.

Not one of them has met the donor -- his identity is kept secret by Fairfax Cryobank in Virginia. He has fathered all of their children -- 11 so far, and Mischel's second child on the way.

My general philosophy is that people should be free to define their own relationships and families, but that freedom comes with a responsibility to work towards a better society for everyone. Your individual choices are your choices, and shouldn't be circumscribed unless they harm someone else. But no one is an island, and our choices have consequences far beyond the front doors of our homes.

This article points towards a perfect example of my view playing itself out. Certain women want to be mothers, but choose not to have the father play a role in raising their child, or can't because of the lack of a willing partner. Traditionalists might criticize their choices. But once you examine what's actually going on, it becomes clear that these mothers are very conscientious about how they conceive and raise their children, and have gone beyond the simple requirements of getting pregnant to build support networks and community for their alternative life choices.

Friday, February 24, 2006

Demotivational Friday: Meetings (Again)

This one is a reboot of one of my favorites. Le Femme Nikita requested one that was of high enough quality that she could use it as her desktop wallpaper. So here you are, just click on the image for the large version.

I couldn't find one picture that I liked, so I did a couple more....

At Camp David

Crying Softly Over All His Failures

Flashing Gang Signs

I just like this picture.

From the FDR Memorial.
Remember, it hasn't always been this way.

These pictures are jpeg files. Blogger won't post the higher quality bitmap files. If you want the higher quality one, just ask me, and I'll email it to you.


Thursday, February 23, 2006

Joyeux anniversaire à moi!

That's happy birthday to me. Today's my birthday, and as with every birthday since I have been living on my own, my mother calls me at 9:14am and sings happy birthday to me. Then she asks me, "So, how does [my age] feel?" This year, it's 29... So, how does 29 feel?

It feels the same to me as 28 felt, or as I imagine 30 will feel. The thing about 29, though, more so than 28.. is that I actually feel older than I did, say, five years ago. Or rather, I should say not that I feel older, but that I don't feel young any more.

I was at a fundraiser for work, and was talking with the younger brother of a business associate. He was newly graduated from college, and we were geeking out on politics and history (L'homme was a history major, Some Guy is Mr. Government Man, so the two closest men in my life were summed up in that conversation). This guy was a total cutie, and we were having a great time talking to one another. As I got in my car to drive home, I thought to myself, "Do I have any single friends I can fix this guy up with?" And then I thought about the fact that this guy would have little in common with my friends, once we got past what we liked in common. What I mean by that is that his idea of fun and the progression of a relationship would be completely different from my friends, because he's 23, and is looking for fun in his relationships. My friends are 28, and are looking for stability and a future to their relationships. It hit me that I was nearing my 30's... I have more in common with the 30somethings that I work with than I do with their younger siblings.

And that's okay. I mean, I should have less in common with newly graduated 20somethings... The summer I moved back home to Philadelphia I was 24, and I had a studio apartment that was essentially a hotel room. I didn't even have an oven to cook - I had a double burner, a mini-fridge, a sink, and a microwave and that was fine because I barely had enough money for food. But I lived downtown, and the reason I didn't have money for food was because I used the money for chocolate martinis with Brian and Kevin after work, where we'd go to the Tavern on Camac and wait for the pianist to begin at 9:00, at which point the bar became a sing-along. And that was one of the best summers of my life...

Until the summer after I turned 26, when L'homme and I married. We had a one-bedroom apartment with a real live oven and regular sized refrigerator. We were still downtown, but the endless chocolate martinis and piano-bar sing alongs were replaced with beers and Trivial Pursuit or Cranium at Chaucers with friends.

And this past weekend, we celebrated Sneezy-D's birthday and mine, with some beers and home-cooked food, and a fire in the fireplace in our home... We had a group of friends hanging out at our place in northwest Philadelphia - we're not living downtown any more, our jobs are on the next rung of our career paths, and we're thinking about expanding our family past Le Chat to include Le Bebe...

When you're young, your parents and your teachers tell you that you can be whatever you want to be, and do whatever you want to do - that the possibilities for your life are endless. That's not entirely true, as Some Guy will tell you, because your parents' economic status, where you're born... these things affect the choices you will have later on... But to an extent, as a child the world is open to you. As we begin to go through life and make choices, those choices limit the other options we have down the road. Picture it this way: if you walk into a maze, and you come to the first place you need to make a choice, you can either go straight, go left, or go right. If you go right, you can't go left, and you subsequently can't make the choices you'd have had if you had gone left... People out there who know game theory are with me on this...

So as we get older, and make education choices and career choices and relationship choices, we limit the other choices we get to make. And as we get older, the "endless possibilities" we had as children aren't so endless, and it is apparent that they aren't endless. We can see how the choices we have made have eliminated the possibility of other choices we could have made.

And so I told my mother that 29 feels kind of old, in that like chess, I can see how the gambits I've made as I was growing up have now played out on the board of my life, and my future choices are limited.

But don't get me wrong - I'm not bemoaning my age. I think that 29 is awesome! I love L'homme, and Le Chat. I have great friends like Some Guy, and Sneezy-D, and Qui Gonn Jesse (among others). I have a terrific boss, and a career I love and a job I really enjoy going to. And, one of the benefits of being 29 is that I know myself - I know what I believe, and I know who I am, and I like that. Those choices, while they limited the future choices I have, were good choices in that they made me who I am, and I really like who I am. Yeah, I need work, but who doesn't?

So what does 29 feel like? It feels great. But a little old...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Politics: History of Health Insurance in the United States

This is a very useful link for everyone to read. And by everyone, I mean me and the 3 or 4 other people in the world who work on health care policy and care about history. Also, on my Tracksy profile I've noticed that most of the people who come to my blog do so in search of specific information, such as divorce statistics, or welfare policy. So I guess I should post more, and not just put things in my bookmarks. Sorry if this week's blogging is particularly boring. I'll try and find some pirate jokes or whatnot to post later in the week.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Government: Supreme Court to Ban Late Term Abortion

Abortion will soon be limited to the first trimester of pregnancy. Regardless of what your view on abortion is, this doesn't really make much sense.

From USA Today...

WASHINGTON (AP) -— The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will consider the constitutionality of banning a type of late-term abortion, teeing up a contentious issue for a new-look court already in a state of flux over privacy rights.


The outcome will likely rest with the two men that President Bush has recently installed on the court. Justices had been split 5-4 in 2000 in striking down a state law, barring what critics call partial birth abortion because it lacked an exception to protect the health of the mother.

But Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, who was the tie-breaking vote, retired late last month and was replaced by Samuel Alito.

The federal law in the current case has no health exception, but defenders maintain that the procedure is never medically necessary to protect a woman's health.


The case that will be heard this fall comes to the Supreme Court from Nebraska, where the federal law was challenged on behalf of physicians. Doctors who perform the procedure contend that it is the safest method of abortion when the mother's health is threatened by heart disease, high blood pressure or cancer.

More so then allowing or banning it altogether, placing time limits on abortion has some really sticky implications.

If abortion is murder and/or there is no generalized right to privacy in the Constitution, then there should be no legal abortions, unless you value other overriding concerns such as rape, incest, domestic violence, or the health of the mother. Even then, abortion would be extremely rare, and would only occur when the mother is somehow violated or in danger.

If abortion is simply destroying a clump of cells, and/or a woman's right to control her own body includes the right to end the life of her child, and/or there is a generalized right to privacy in the Constitution, then abortion should legal and accessible, with possible barriers to minors and certain notification rights for fathers, depending upon your perspective.

But late term abortions effect very, very few individuals. Anyone who elects to get an abortion almost always does so within the first three months of pregnancy. Making abortion illegal in the second or third trimesters only prevents a small handful of women with medical or domestic violence issues from getting the abortion.

From a legal strategy point of view, it makes perfect sense - grind down abortion laws until there are none left.

But from a moral and ethical point of view its incomprehensible. Why would you purposefully target women who are in danger, even when most pro-lifers would leave an exception for such women in a system with no other abortion rights? The only "solution" I see is that the legal challenge is being driven by craven tacticians, or by individuals who believe that all abortions should be illegal without exceptions.


Friday, February 17, 2006

Demotivational Friday: Arrogance

Unless you live in a land without electricity (in which case, I have no idea how you have the internet access to read this) you know that Dick shot a 78 year old man in the face.

There's more...

This week's Demotivational Friday was a group effort from all the site's contributors. I love you guys, and your acidic senses of humor.


Thursday, February 16, 2006

Distraction: 2005 Darwin Awards

(19 March 2005, Michigan) "Unusual" and "complicated" is how the Missaukee County sheriff described the mysterious death of 19-year-old Christopher.

After an evening spent imbibing large quantities of alcohol, Christopher noticed a shortage in his liquor supply that could not be attributed to his own depredations. He concluded that his neighbor had stolen a bottle of booze! He menaced the neighbor with a knife, to no avail, whereupon he retired to his own apartment to brood about revenge.

Finally he figured out the perfect way to get back at that conniving bottle-thief: Christopher would stab himself and blame the neighbor!

A witness saw Christopher enter the bathroom as he called 911. He calmly informed the dispatcher that his neighbor had stabbed him. Witnesses said he looked fine when he emerged from the bathroom, but a moment later gouts of blood spewed from his chest. Suddenly he began screaming begging for help. The dispatcher heard a woman shout, "Why did you do this?" He collapsed at the door of his apartment.

Deputies arrived quickly, but Christopher had already bled to death from self-inflicted stab wounds to his chest. An autopsy determined that he had stabbed himself in the chest twice. The first wound apparently didn't look dangerous enough, so he tried again. The second time, the knife plunged into his left ventricle. This wound was plenty dangerous: he had only two minutes to live.

Christopher died in vain. His deathbed accusation of his neighbor failed, as a witness confirmed that the neighbor was not in the apartment. All Christopher got for revenge was an accidental death sentence.

In the immortal words of Frank Zappa, "It's not getting any smarter out there. You have to come to terms with stupidity, and make it work for you."


Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Books: When Transformers Rule the World

There's a hilarious new book out, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising."

Optimus Prime Gets Pissed
I think I'm going to pick it up, if for no other reason then the cover looks like Optimus Prime shooting lasers out of his eyes.

There's a decent review of it in the NY Times as well.

I, for one, welcome our new metalic overlords.

Monday, February 13, 2006

I need a roommate

My current roommate is moving out at the end of March, so I need to find a new one. Please post this on your blogs and forward it to everyone you know so that I don't have to resort to Craig's List. Here are the specifics:

One bedroom available in two bedroom, one bath apartment. Amenities include dishwasher, garbage disposal, hardwood floors, balcony, closet space, 24 hour front desk with free coffee in the morning, and a modest gym.

Located in Silver Spring, two blocks from Metro, MARC, and a major bus depot. Within easy walking distance of recently rebuilt downtown, with restaurants, theatres, stores, bars, supermarkets, and everything else you could need to live and have fun with or without a car.

Rent is $1533 per month (your half would be $766.50), due on the first of each month. You would also have to buy out the deposit of my former roommate, which is $300.

We currently have a cable/internet/local phone service package that costs a little over $100 a month (your half would be around $55). However, I'm flexible about canceling this service if you don't care about having those services, or keeping them on if you want them. All other utilities (gas, electric, water) are included in the cost of rent. A pay laundry room is located on each floor. Lot or underground parking is available through the building at reasonable rates.

I am a 28 year old male professional. I'm clean, laid back, non-smoker, and respectful of personal space - looking for a roommate that shares the same qualities.

Must sign a one year lease with the option to live there longer if desired. Can move in on April 1, and perhaps a few days earlier.

Anyone interested should send their info to emailcreatedtofindaroommate@gmail.com

And yes, I recognize the irony of having a blog called someguyindc and not living in DC. I moved six months ago. Sue me.

Politics: Republican Racism

This sort of stupidity just blows my mind...

From Max at the Huffington Report:

On Friday, February 10, the rock star of the annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) was none other than Ann Coulter. Before an overflow crowd of at least 1000 young right-wing activists, Coulter took her brand of performance art to new heights.


"I think our motto should be post-9-11, 'raghead talks tough, raghead faces consequences.'" (This declaration prompted a boisterous ovation.)


"There is more dissent on a slave plantation then amongst moderates in the Republican party."


"Iran is soliciting cartoons on the Holocaust. So far, only Ted Rall, Garry Trudeau, and the NY Times have made submissions."


After Coulter's speech, I approached Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist in the CPAC exhibitor's hall. I asked him what he thought of Coulter's characterization 15 minutes earlier of Muslims as "ragheads." His reply? "I wasn't there so I better not comment."

Coulter is not a fringe element. CPAC is at the heart of conservative Republican politics. They invited her to their annual meeting. She spoke to packed crowds and wildly supportive applause. She's on Fox news on a regular basis, and has an endless stream of books and articles that sell well and are praised by more respected conservatives on a regular basis.

The Republican party controls every level of the Federal government. Many of them are thoughtful, professional, well meaning conservatives. Some are moderates without a racist bone in their body. But it is also clear that many of them are outright bigots, and the thoughtful conservatives and moderates cannot win elections without the votes, money, and support of the racists.

Distraction: ACLU Pizza

Funny web ad for the ACLU. Requires Flash. Makes you want to vote for the Libertarian Party.


Friday, February 10, 2006

Distraction: Housing Prices + Google Maps

Well, someone finally hacked Google Maps to display housing prices.

You have to zoom in and move the map around a bit to get it to display sometimes, and certain neighborhoods don't display anything.

The data is a bit spotty, and they don't make their methodology public. Based on my work in construction, on housing policy, plus ten or so years of living in DC and reading the real estate section of the papers, I have a pretty good sense as to how much housing in different neighborhoods cost.

This program overestimates "hot" neighborhoods which have cooled off recently, and underestimates some working class neighborhoods which are being gentrified but currently have low property tax assessments.

But its usually in the ballpark, and its a powerful comparative tool. Enjoy.


Demotivational Friday: Insanity

The image is taken from some random site.

I think the Escher/Lego nexis is the perfect intersection between madness and reality.

If you're a Lego fan, you might also want to check out The Brick Testament, which illustrates the Bible in Lego. Lego is cool, but some people just have way, way too much time on their hands.

This is the first one I did, which is not as funny.


Thursday, February 09, 2006

Government: The Angel in the Details

Recently, President Bush signed the budget reconciliation bill that cuts Medicare, Medicaid, student loans, and other social programs. Many other vital programs haven't been increased for 5 years or longer, essentially being cut 2-4% a year by inflation.

Well it turns out that not only are Republicans cruel and heartless, they also don't know how to work a photocopy machine...

A typo in the budget-reconciliation bill may give congressional Democrats another shot at making political hay out of the $39 billion deficit-reduction measure President Bush signed yesterday.

Democratic leaders could block an attempt by Republicans to correct the clerical error and use the fight to highlight their fierce opposition to the legislation, which includes spending reductions in healthcare, education and other programs.


Democratic objections could force both the House and Senate to vote on the measure yet again, though some sources on Capitol Hill said at press time that they expect another vote on a narrow part of the bill -— not the entire measure.


At issue is a widely supported provision that was intended to allow Medicare beneficiaries to purchase oxygen devices used in the home rather than pay endless rental fees. Because of a clerical error made during the enrollment of the bill, the new policy would apply to practically all medical equipment, congressional aides explained.


Democrats have long complained that House Republicans move legislation to the floor quickly -— so quickly that it is impossible to members to read the entire bill before voting.

A more accurate criticism would be that a very small number Republicans and lobbyists spend months behind closed doors writing legislation that is hundreds of pages long, and then move it to committee.

The committee loads it up with amendments to grease the wheels, and then move it to the floor for a vote.

Any differences between the House and Senate versions are reconciled by the Republican leadership, and not by a joint committee of members appointed from the originating committees of both chambers, as required by law. (It still meets, but its just a rubber stamp).

The bill is then quickly moved back to the floor of each chamber for a final vote, even though just a very few exclusively Republican members have read the final version at that point. They whip their members to support the President/party/war, and it passes by the slimmest of margins.

Try explaining that in a School House Rocks cartoon!

Costume recycled from last week's
"The Dangers of Whacky Weed" Performance

Final versions of the law aren't even available to staff (like me, who are supposed to read and analyze it for policy content and errors) or online to the public until days or weeks after its been voted on. The democratic process does not function inside the Capitol.

I think we should just leave the provision as it is and ask the President to sign the correct version. Why shouldn't seniors be able to purchase any medical equipment they need under Medicare?


Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Distraction: Brits Jail Pirate Cleric

From the Sydney Herald...

Radical Muslim cleric Abu Hamza al-Masri has been sentenced to seven years in prison after being found guilty of incitement of racial hatred and soliciting murder.

Sentencing the hook-handed, one-eyed imam at London's Old Bailey court, Judge Anthony Hughes said Hamza used his authority to encourage his audiences that killing was a religious duty.


When asked how he got the hook, Abu Hamza al-Masri said that his hand was cut off by infidels while fighting in Afghanistan.

When asked how he lost his eye, he said that pigeon droppings fell into it - on the first day he got his new hook.


Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Article: Accident Waiting to Happen

From CNN, we get this fun little article...

LIVERMORE, California (AP) -- Officials at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory have added a new weapon to their armory: a high-powered machine gun that can fire more than 50 rounds per second.

The weapon, unveiled Thursday, is a six-barrel Gatling gun called the Dillon Aero M134D. An undisclosed number of the guns will be mounted on vehicles and elsewhere at the lab.

"What we want to do is equip our protective force with the capability that will leave no doubt about the outcome," said Linton Brooks, head of the National Nuclear Security Administration.

Lab critics questioned the wisdom of putting such powerful guns at the lab, which is across the street from suburban homes. They say the real problem is that the lab site, which is relatively small at 1 square mile, is not a good place for nuclear materials.

This man has a small penis.

I can't wait until the local varsity football team gets drunk and steals this thing. That will be a fun news day.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Betty Friedan died.

Betty Friedan died on February 4th, which was also her 85th birthday. Ms. Friedan was one of the first feminists, and also the author of "The Feminine Mystique."

Unfortunately, the word "feminist" has become evil. Many women (and men, too) today who agree with feminist philosophy (equal work for equal pay, women have value outside of being housewives and mothers) rail against the label of feminist. These women don't want to be seen as men-hating femi-nazis who don't shave their legs.

Betty Friedan in particular spoke out about women caring so much about their appearance - that by wearing make-up and restricting undergarments women were subjecting themselves to male-dominated ideas of feminine beauty. By casting off these ideals, women would free themselves from "oppression." Friedan was criticized, however, for her focus on upper-middle-class white women - poor women have always had to work to help make ends meet. Only upper-class or upper-middle-class women had any semblance of choice.

In my opinion, though, the feminist movement was all granting women access to male dominated sectors... yes, poor women always had to work (they had no choice), but the feminist movement made jobs available to all women that previously were not. Smaller gaps in inequalities between male and female salaries, equal access to education, equal funding for women's athletics: these advances sought to level the playing field between men and women. Women who were raised in poverty now had more chances to get out of it, or perhaps to get better paying jobs than they previously could have.

I identify with feminism, and don't hesitate to call myself a feminist. What that means to me, and what it should mean in my opinion, is that women don't have to be wives or mothers... that they're free to choose. They can have a career, or they can have husbands, or both, or neither... Women like Betty and Gloria Steinam fought for the rights of women to choose the kitchen or the boardroom; it's not a foregone conclusion that female genitalia equals housework upon marriage.

Earlier in the week, Some Guy posted the "Childless by Choice" article... Unfortunately the burdens of choosing to have children while remainng an employee fall disproportionately upon women, even with today's fathers taking a more active role in parenting than our fathers did, and most definitely our grandfathers. But women today also have a louder voice in the workplace, and can ask for (and receive) concessions to help us choose both, without the risk of losing our jobs. Consider the movie "9 to 5": many of the challenges Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin suffer at the hands of their Evil Boss seem somewhat quaint today. The presence of things like child care or flex time for some corporations marks the (albeit small) successes of the feminist movement.

So, I'm taking a moment to thank Betty, and all the women whose struggle makes it easier for me to have the freedoms and choices I have. Because without her, I'd already have several children I'm sure, nor would I still be going to work each day, since I'm married. And although I love my husband and I'd love those children, I'd resent not having had the choice. I look forward to expanding my family with L'homme, but I am grateful that it is my choice. Thanks Betty. We'll miss you.

Friday, February 03, 2006

Demotivational Friday: Agony

Crying Sparrow

OK, so that's not even remotely funny. Its just apt, and I thought the picture was artful.

So here's another one.

Bush Pain

More painful then watching your friend die. But also more funny.

Interestingly enough, this is referred to as the "Bush with Halo" picture. I prefer to see it as the "Bush Flashing Gang Sign" picture.


Thursday, February 02, 2006

Article: The District of Columbia Olympic Curling Team

I totally want to try out for this team...

It started with this: Remember the night during the 2004 Summer Olympics when the U.S. men's basketball team lost to, of all opponents, Puerto Rico? When the guys hanging out at the Adams Mill Bar in Adams Morgan got over the initial embarrassment of that loss, somebody raised the question: Why exactly does Puerto Rico have an Olympic team?

Turns out Guam, American Samoa and the U.S. Virgin Islands also have Olympic teams despite being territories of the United States. All of those places are represented in Congress by a non-voting delegate. Just like . . . the District of Columbia, which doesn't have an Olympic team.


This is the link to their site.

Seriously, if we're not going to get two Senators or even a vote in Congress, despite being the seat of modern democracy and having a population larger then Wyoming, we should get our own Olympic Team!

I think we could kick the United State's butt - not just at curling, but kickball, slow pitch softball, basketball, and anything involving guns.

Hat tip to Kos for the link.

My Little Brother is Home

For those of you who know who I am and know about my little brother serving in Iraq, I'm happy and relieved to let everyone know that he is now safely state-side. He'll be out at Camp Pendleton in San Diego where he's officially stationed for a few months, and we'll have a chance to see him some time in March.


Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Article: Child Free By Choice

Another great article passed on to me by others - this one is about married couples who choose to remain child free.

I'm going to try and track down other articles describing various relationship structures (mixed families, divorced familes, single parents, people who choose never to marry) so email them to me if you come across them.

Article: Darwin Nominee of the Year

Thanks to my friend for passing on this little gem:

ASUNCION, Paraguay (AP) -- A 13-year-old boy who entered an elephant's open-air cage to feed it a mango was crushed to death on Tuesday.

Guillermo Gonzalez got past a rock wall and two metal fences to reach the 4 1/2-ton elephant, named Maia, but the animal reacted violently, stomping the teenager to death before a trainer could intervene.

Bart was crushed to death in this episode.

Anyone else remember "Stampy" from the Simpsons? I wonder if someone will call for a ban on it like they did with Beavis and Butthead when some stupid kid set his house on fire.