Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Government: A Test of Good Policy

I am a news hound. I read the news for 1-3 hours each day, and sometimes more. I'm helped by the fact that part of my job entails knowing what's going on in the political world, but mostly its just a favorite hobby.

I've found that its useful to triangulate my news intake. I read an admittedly liberal source, an admittedly conservative news source, and a corporate news source. After I read all three, I get a pretty good take on what people think is happening in the world. (It doesn't actually tell you what happens. Having been on the other side of the reporter's notebook on a few occasions, I can tell you that reality doesn't always make it into print).

From this practice, I've learned a key method of testing political policy.

1) If your favorite hero had proposed it, would you support it?
2) If your worst enemy had proposed it, would you support it?
3) If a major corporation with a hidden agenda proposed it, would you support it?

If the answer to all three is yes, its probably a sound policy. If its not, you're probably supporting it for personal or politcal gain. Paul over at Wizbang agrees:

It isn't too often I find myself in such complete disagreement with Mark Steyn. He's one of those guys that if I do disagree with him, I read him again because I must have missed something the first time. But on the NSA collecting data on MY phone calls, he's just wrong.


Anyone on the right who thinks this is a good idea should be disabused of that notion by 3 simple words. "President Hillary Clinton." Ask yourself... Do you really trust the Clinton's with this data. -- That's the problem with bad policy. Even if you trust George Bush and his administration today and you really believe it is only being used to catch terrorists, bad policy has a way of sticking with government forever. And only getting worse with time.

Bush has redefined the powers of the President of the United States. Some people support what he's done, other people oppose it. But elections have a habit of changing things. Keep that in mind when making decisions.


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